January 24, 2000



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It’s hard to explain where the time goes. It’s nine o’clock at night, and Julie and I are both exhausted and we have nothing but a few chores to measure our day with, vacuuming the upstairs and cleaning a bathroom. The rest of the day was taken up holding Alex, feeding Alex, playing with Alex and Alex’s first walk in the stroller. Usually we measure our day by things created and bugs fixed. I guess we are creating something, the bonds that last a lifetime. That is hard to measure in terms of progress.

Alex is doing well. He’s become much more fussy the last few days. We think he is getting over-stimulated at times. He was awake most of the afternoon and we couldn’t get him to sleep. Toward the end of the afternoon, we tried hard to get him to fall asleep. Only for Julie would Alex stop crying. Finally, after a struggle he calmed down and fell asleep, the whole family had to take a nap. Alex seems to be most comforted when being held by Julie. Maybe all the activity this afternoon will mean early to bed for us and no nightly fussy period.


P.S. Happy Birthday, Andrew!