
Alex's Pictures

Alex Update

We are very happy to have Alexander Stanley as part of our family. He was born on January 12th, 2000 at 12:12pm in Seattle, Washington. He weighed 8 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 20.5 inches.

The day Alex was born, it snowed, rained, and was sunny. Seeing the sun in January in Seattle is rare, seeing snow in winter is also rare. It was indeed a great day. I think for both of us, this may have been our proudest hour.

We've been taking pictures and have included them here. Due to popular family demand we will continue to add to this collection of pictures. :-)

As a wired, millennium baby, along with his own home page, Alex already has an e-mail address. He is Alex@RabbitMountain.org. Please send mail to him! While advanced for his age (ha, ha), he still cannot read, so we promise to read each letter to him. We also plan to print out your letters and add them to his scrapbook so he can read them himself when he’s older.