January 21, 2000



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Alex went for his first pediatric appointment today. He’s growing like a weed already. At nine days old, Alex has not only regained his birth weight, he is now four ounces over it. That means in the last week he gained fourteen ounces. At this rate he will weigh over 52 pounds when he turns one year old. I suspect he will slow down a bit or we have a budding lineman for the NFL on our hands. Most interesting is that he was also 21.75 inches long. This is 1.25 inches taller than when he was born. We suspect that he was measured small at the hospital. Julie felt he was pretty long based upon the fact he could kick her in the ribs and push on her cervix at the same time. All other things checked out great. Alex seems to be a very healthy young guy. We are very thankful he’s doing so well (knock on wood).

Alex has been working on his crying abilities. No more soft and cute cry. Alex is developing a healthy set of lungs. Everyone at the doctor’s office could hear him. Of course we’d all cry if we had to strip down naked, be pushed and poked, have our heel pricked to draw blood, all by complete strangers. Alex did exact his revenge however by doing what babies do best when they are naked. Mom and Dad forgot the diaper bag, we are still learning. Today’s lesson is that just because the pediatrician has extra diapers, not everyone else does.
