January 20, 2000



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Daryl has the night off from his web-chronicle duties, so I get to write the daily update. This is sort of like when Bill Keane allows his "kids" to draw Family Circus for him, so please bear with me. :-) Daryl makes terrific use of his special time with Alex, explaining life and introducing him to the wonders of Dr. Seuss. They're having some of that special time right now as I write this, which is wonderful.

Today was a quiet day at our house. I think we're settling into a routine, or as much of a routine as is possible given a little person who will change as much as Alex will over the coming weeks and months. Neither Daryl nor I are all that good at taking naps, but today the urge was irresistible and the three of us had a great, sleepy 2 hours. (See, I told you it was a quiet day). Alex had bath #2, which he seemed to enjoy as much as his first bath. We are getting better about not leaving him a total mess after his feedings or diaper changings, but we still have a ways to go. In the meantime, you should all buy stock in whatever company makes Ivory Snow laundry detergent. I promise you it will be a good investment.

Tomorrow is another milestone in young Alex's life -- his first well-baby checkup with his pediatrician. We are anxious for it to go well and have tons of questions. Of course, we'll tell you all what we learn in tomorrow's update!

Well, someone is getting hungry and I guess that's my cue to go. More tomorrow. Good night ...
