January 19, 2000



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Today was Alex's one week birthday. It's hard to believe that a whole week has gone by already. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Alex home and trying to figure out how diapers work (for that mater, how to spell diaper), never mind getting those squirmy hands through those little sleeves. Now it’s a week and the biggest trick with diapers is making sure to keep something covering him so he doesn’t spray the wall or the person changing him. (He still has very squirmy legs so this is no easy task.) Every day he seems to change a little bit. He now has longer periods where he is awake and not eating. In those moments, he loves to look at our faces as we talk to him. He's getting more coordinated in how he moves his arms and legs. He’s getting stronger. He’s starting to grow up already. Julie and I are both feeling like the week just flew by and we are a bit sad. Alex at one week is not the same little guy they laid upon Julie’s chest in the hospital. I suppose this is really what being a parent is all about. Even though the changes are subtle and small, they happen everyday. It’s probably the same for all of us; Julie and I are certainly different than a week ago. It’s just so obvious with Alex. We are watching him so closely to learn about him. As we watch him grow, we are learning about ourselves also.

 Alex continues to have fussy moments in the middle of the night. We are getting use to waking up and changing him, feeding him and getting back to sleep. We are both tired at the end of the day, but it’s all worth it.

 Both of us spend hours just looking at his face and thinking that we are so lucky. I look at him sleeping and wonder what will he be like and what will his passions be. At the end of one week, we are looking forward and now looking back. We both know we are truly very luck people to have Alex in our life and a strong family to support the three of us.
