January 17, 2000



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It was a big day for Alex.  We had to get his weight checked this morning.  In his first postpartum visit, his weight had fallen to 7 lbs, 6 oz.  This is pretty close to the expected 10%, so they wanted us to check again today to make sure.  Alex ate like it was going out of style all weekend and put on 6 ounces.  Yesterday was a feeding marathon.  His weight is back to 7 lbs, 12 oz.  He’s making Julie sad because he’s already growing like a weed and she can’t believe he’s almost a week old.  She keeps saying that, at this rate, he’ll be in college before any of us knows what happened.

Before he went to the doctor, we decided he needed his first bath.  Alex seems to like the water and was very happy and squirmy.  He has pretty amazing legs at this point.  He could probably take his diaper off with his toes if he thought about it.  (He has his Uncle David’s toes – we are so proud).

Julie and I are both doing well.  We are getting a good amount of sleep.  Alex only wakes every four hours at night, which is nice.  We are also a bit tired; the adrenaline-high has started to wear off.  We took long naps this afternoon.  Just laying in the unexpected Seattle winter sunshine.
