August 17, 2000
Week 32 - 7 Months, 1 Week



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We're back after a long (very, very long) hiatus.

What's happened in the last four months? Seems like just about everything. We moved back to Colorado, Daryl has a new job, I'm now a stay-at-home-mom and Alex is an active seven-month-old. Last time we wrote, he was barely rolling over. Now he's crawling, chasing the cats, pulling up on furniture, walking (while holding on to said furniture), babbling, eating solid foods, sprouting teeth, losing his dark baby hair, growing new blonde hair, pounding on things with his toys, giggling, keeping us giggling ... I could go on and on.

Alex handled the move, including the drive, better than any of the rest of us. The hardest thing for him has apparently been all of the new people suddenly a part of his life. Meeting and playing with his Colorado family and friends has been far more interesting for him than either sleeping or eating. ("Hey Mom and Dad, isn't that what the nights are for??") Hmm, perhaps I shouldn't say that the newness of it all has been hard for him. :-)

We've discovered, with the help of his Great-Grandmother Helen, that Alex loves to swim. He also loves hiking, or at least he loves the view from his baby-backpack. Mom and Dad are still reacquainting themselves with the altitude, so he hasn't spent as much time viewing the trails from up there as he'd probably like.

It's been fun to watch Alex discover the world around him. We're lucky to live where we see a lot of wildlife (inside and outside the house, thanks to the cats and rabbits that live with us). Deer, magpies, blue jays, hummingbirds and squirrels routinely visit our yard. They fascinate Alex. Much to the chagrin of the cats and bunnies, they fascinate Alex, too. Luckily for them, however, they're a lot faster than he is. At least for now. Heh, heh.

Better save something to say for next week ...
