April 5, 2000



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It's been another quiet week here. Wish we could give you a long list of adventures the three of us have had since we last wrote an update, but daily life is all we've managed. Not to say that life with Alex isn't sometimes an adventure in and of itself, mind you, but does anyone really want to hear that we can now change dirty diapers in under 30 seconds (sort of like an Indy pit crew)? I didn't think so ...

Ok, so we did try to get out a little bit. We took Alex on his first hike last weekend. It was unseasonably pleasant here -- near 70 degrees on Sunday. Really beautiful. Daryl wore Alex in his front pack and we had a good walk. Alex slept nearly the entire time. I guess it's good he was so comfortable. :-)

Alex is becoming more aware. I know we've said this many times already, but every week it becomes more obvious to us. He's able to grab his toys more often now and it's no longer always an accident when it happens. He spends a lot of time watching us, too. He hasn't really ever done the facial mimicking that babies are supposed to do, but he might be starting to do this now. When Daryl plays the "Oooh, Ahhh" game with Alex now, Alex watches really carefully and tries to make similar sounds and facial expressions. Maybe we're reading too much into it, but it sure looks as though he's trying to mirror Daryl. The best part of this new awareness is how he smiles at us when he sees us again after a bit -- when he wakes up, when we come back into the room he's in, etc. Just about makes our hearts melt, I tell you. What people say about falling in love with their children is true. (Happy) Sigh.

Next week, 4/12, is a big milestone - 13 weeks and 3 months. Stay tuned.
