January 11, 2000



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January 8th came and went without so much as a peep from the little guy. Nothing. He didn't seem to realize he had just passed his due date. (This is very much a Microsoft tendency, however). For us (and some of you), the patient types, we took this in good stride. No worries, barely noticed this non-event.

Julie and I have had a little joke between us lately. The joke is based upon the fact that the baby actually drives the process of pregnancy and, we assume, is responsible for kicking the process into labor. We believe it comes from the movie “Crimson Tide.” There is scene where Gene Hackman, who is the captain of the submarine, tries to force Denzel Washington to turn his key to launch the missiles he commands. In the scene, Gene Hackman yells, “I must insist you turn your key.” We’ve been saying that to the baby. “____, we must insist you turn your key.” Meaning of course, start the process of labor.

Last night at midnight, he turned his key. Julie and I are off to the hospital to give birth. January 11, 2000 is a good day to be born. Wish us luck and think good thoughts our way.

P.S. Looks like Stacee is going to win the baby pool ...
