November 7, 1999



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When we first visited Carla, our midwife, she gave us a book about being pregnant. It described the whole process in gory detail, with pictures and explanations. There are plenty of descriptions of what happens during pregnancy and, even scarier, what happens during birth. We call this book “The Scary Book.” We much prefer the more "soft and feely" book "What to Expect When You’re Expecting". For a while, we never looked at the scary book. Well, no more. We started our birth classes last week, they are being taught by the author of The Scary Book, Penny Simkin. There are a total of eight classes and eighteen couples. Everyone files into the room in the hospital slowly. Everyone is obviously pregnant. There is a long line for the single bathroom when people arrive. Last Wednesday, we all sat in a big circle and introduced ourselves. Everyone is having their first baby, and we all look like deer in the headlights. We all look forward to the birth experience with a combination of excitement and fear. Penny is there mostly to tell us what to expect. By the end of our eight weeks, we'll all have some idea what is going to happen, a general outline of the process. Sure we'll learn to breathe, relax, do some exercises, but mostly, birth will no longer be the big mystery. The classes are divided into three parts, first Penny lectures from the book. We have reading assignments just like in college. Then we do some exercises, like relaxing techniques, breathing, etc. Finally, and most frighteningly, we see a video of a real birth. Of course it's not the whole thing, the class is only two hours. But it details the process and shows the actual moment that the baby comes into this world. There are lots of close ups of the mother's face and the baby right after birth. This is just like driver's education, but we're already behind the wheel. They should show these videos before we get pregnant. I know I felt something after watching my first video, I dreamed about it that night. I was impressed at what the new mother goes through, the determination on her face. In some ways, I wish I could be more of a part of the physical effort. In the end, I can only help Julie. I know she will be tough. I've been hiking and spinning with Julie, I know she can do the physical part. She's not so sure.

Yesterday, we went on our hospital tour. We went to see where the baby is going to be born. The tour consisted of seven couples, all very pregnant. This time, there were other children along for the tour, not everyone was doing this for the first time. We are going to have our son at Group Health in Seattle, Washington. It’s a pretty nice place, right smack in the middle of a typical Seattle neighborhood. There's very little parking, some rooms have a view of Puget Sound and the downtown buildings. It’s an easy commute for us, (except for the part where we cross the bridge which can be tough). Now we can picture the place the baby will be born. And now it’s time for us to pack up the suitcase and put it in the car.

Today is day one of week thirty-two. There are eight weeks until our due date. We have seven birth classes left. The countdown has started. Early on, we counted up, two weeks, one month, three months, etc. Now we count down. The baby could be here in a month or it could be two months or it could be ten weeks. We are mostly ready, the nursery is complete, and we have clothes, our car seat and Penny and Carla.

We are now ready, except we still have no name. Everyone will be happy to know the names from last time are now all back on the list. Except for Kyle, Spencer and Sean (my favorites). It's funny, I don't know why I really like those names; they just sort of stuck with me. Julie is stuck on Mathew, Ethan and Adam. I doubt this is really the short list, I guess we'll find out.

Hope you are all well. We are.

P.S. It Natalie's Birthday today. Happy Birthday!!!!
