September 21, 2000
Week 37 - 8 Months, 1 Week



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Hmm. Somehow it got to be bedtime before I got this written. Maybe this time we'll have to do the Alex update in multiple installments??

Once again, too much time has elapsed since the last update. The last time we wrote, Alex was working hard on standing and walking. He still is. However, some new goals have crept in. For one thing, we've noticed an increasing spatial awareness (for lack of a better descriptive phrase). All of a sudden, Alex seems very interested in understanding where things are in relation to one another. For about a week, he's put standing/walking on the back burner and has instead been crawling around the house like a speed-demon. Now he seems to understand where things are, as if all the rapid crawling was intended to help him build a map of the house. For example, we have these stone stairs in the house that fascinate Alex. Being parents with good imaginations (i.e., we can easily see what would happen to his body if he fell down the stairs), we don't yet want him playing on them. Two weeks ago, we could simply have moved him to another room and he'd have forgotten about them. Now, no matter where we move him, he crawls right back to the stairs.

Today he decided to go back to working on standing. He's up to nearly a minute of support-free standing, so he's making progress. Not that we're watching this very closely or anything. :-)

(Oh and don't worry, Grandparents -- we've now got gates up all over the house).

Alex is still being a good eater, for the most part. The "good food" list is still a lot longer than the "no way" list. So far, the "no way" list contains only two things: peas and yams. His reaction to these foods is pretty dramatic -- I won't go into it here. Needless to say, it leaves no doubt that he doesn't want to eat them. Maybe it's a texture thing? We'll keep trying. We have to -- I froze more than a quart of pureed yams yesterday. Sigh.
