March 1, 2000



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Alex is sick. I guess it was bound to happen. He started feeling bad on Sunday. We noticed because he slept the whole day. By Monday he was starting to show signs of not feeling well. Today and yesterday, he’s been feeling bad. He has a pitiful little cry, his eyes are tearing, this is pretty much the common cold. Our doctor told us, that unless he gets a fever, we need to let it take its course. I think we both feel pretty helpless. We comfort him, and carry him around when he’s awake, we hold him up on our shoulders and try and make it better. We feel pretty helpless and Alex feels bad. Another lesson of parenthood I guess. Not the best way to spend your seven week birthday.

Alex has continued to eat. We are trying to feed him less, but more often so he doesn’t spit up. He sleeps in his car seat so he’s at a forty-five degree angle to keep his nose clear and his food down. Through it all, Julie helps him feel better and rocks him to sleep. Julie has given up her own sleep comforting Alex.

We hope he starts to feel better. Looking at his face and seeing how unhappy he is makes us unhappy too.
