Alex Update
Week 40 - 9 Months



Wow, can you believe today is Alex’s nine month birthday? Time has just flown by and the changes in all of our lives have been amazing. In thinking about the nine-month birthday, it dawned on me; it’s probably the most significant “birthday” during the first year. Alex has now lived outside of the womb for the same amount of time he lived inside the womb. We’ve also had Alex in our lives for a year and a half. I know neither of us can imagine what life would be like without Alex; he is that much a fixture in our lives and that big a part of who we are. We are a family.

Over the last nine months, we’ve up-rooted ourselves and moved from Seattle to Boulder. Julie has become a stay-at-home mom, and work is no longer priority number one for me. In the process, we’ve grown much closer to our friends and family. I suppose that it’s natural to reflect on your own childhood when you have kids. I know that Alex has given both Julie and me new appreciation for our parents and family. We both love to see how much Alex enjoys being with his family. We love the look on his face when his grandparents, aunts and uncles are holding him (and the looks on their faces are pretty good also). Moving back has been a great thing for all of us. It’s amazing how one little (make that one cute little) boy, can be the catalyst for so much change.

Enough philosophy from dad, we need to move onto our real subject.

Alex did not walk by nine months. A few weeks ago, he decided that crawling around was pretty cool. The number of things that fell within his reach expanded pretty dramatically when he realized they were out there. The amount of time mom and dad had decreased just as dramatically. Gone were the days of simply putting a few toys on the living room floor for Alex and having him spend the rest of the evening there. Nope, Alex is mobile which means chasing him and pulling things out of his mouth. This is how we spend our time now. Alex believes it’s a big game to crawl someplace and put some spec of something (dirt, spider, bug, cardboard, leaf, paper, dust, etc.) into his mouth. When mom or dad realizes he’s chewing on something (probably something he shouldn’t have) the chase begins. Alex, realizing we have noticed, turns, lets out a big giggle, and crawls as fast as he can under a table or chair. This can go on all evening. We especially like the giggle; Alex has a great giggle.

Alex’s coordination is getting much better. A month ago, he would crawl into the maze of chair legs under our dinner table and start crying because he couldn’t get out. Now, he crawls through the maze at least once a day. Usually, he is crawling after a cat. A month ago, the cats took great pleasure in walking under the table when Alex was following them because they knew he would get stuck (and even better, mom or dad would have to get up and get him). Now Alex is a very persistent and a little obstacle like a maze of chair legs doesn’t stop him. Little do the cats realize, this slow-crawling, noisy baby is soon to be walking and then running and climbing. They may be laughing now…

Happy Birthday Bean!!!

October 12, 2000
