Family Pictures
Halloween 2002 Our neighborhood had a (very small) kids' parade and Alex & Ethan got to go trick-or-treating for the first time.
(10/29/2002 & 10/31/2002)
October 2002 Just some random pictures from October (Grandma Barby's visit and a few others).
Ethan's First Birthday Ethan is 1!
(9/26/2002 & 9/27/2002)
Alex's Second Birthday Alex is 2!
(1/12/2002 & 1/13/2002)
Wisconsin Visit We took Alex back to Wisconsin to meet more of his family. A busy and fun vacation!
(4/26/2001 - 4/30/2001)
First Haircut Great Grandma accompanied us for Alex's first haircut, given to Alex by Daryl's long-time friend, Lynn.
Happy Birthday, Alex! Alex's first birthday party! Grandma Sharon, Grandpa Roger and Grandma Barby came a long way to celebrate. Sue and Mike even catered!
Christmas Eve Christmas Eve at Joe and Sande's.
Thanksgiving Thanksgiving at Daryl and Julie's.
Bon Voyage, Cyndi! Everyone had a great time at Old Chicago wishing Cyndi a great and safe stay in Japan.
Sande's B-Day A few (too few) pictures from Sande's 50th birthday extravaganza.
Miscellaneous Pictures A random sampling of pictures, not from any one particular event.